
Sky Eats Airplane - Jerry Chaos Bulletin LEAVING FOR AWHILE TOMORROWWWW!!!!!!!! :):)"

so yeah we (SKY EATS AIRPLANE) leave tomorrow for a while!

we're playing 4 shows on the way to baltimore where we will be recording our new album :)

we also took new promo shots today so check the SEA page in a few days for those.

if you live near or around the following cities, i betta see yo ass at a show!

Texarkana, TX
Douglasville, GA
Charlotte, NC
West Springfield, VA

we're playing those cities then we'll be in Baltimore from Jan 7th - feb 14th. recording with Brian Mcternan.

then after that we'll be doing alot of touring through '08. so we'll be near you soon and yes that includes all of our EUROPEAN friends. we're working on a FULL EURO tour in august. keep yo fingers crossed :)

for now, hope the holidays we're safe and enjoyable for everyone.

take care



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